“Will you let your daughter have these treatments”?
It is something I have been asked often and I am in no way offended by the question. In fact, I see it as a wonderful opportunity to remind women of the autonomy we have over our bodies.
“I will raise my daughter to feel empowered to make choices about her own body”.
See, the thing about age-preventative treatments, it is a choice.
I understand that these treatments aren’t for every body and that is more than ok.
But I know the confidence these treatments bring - I’ve seen it.
I know the way these treatments can make people feel - I’ve experienced it.
I know how the smallest of changes on the outside can bring a wave of positive changes on the inside - I’ve felt it.
So if you chose to have these treatments, I welcome you.
If you chose not to have these treatments, I support you in your choice every step of the way.
Regardless, women support women’s choices - we’ve got enough shit to deal with. And my daughter can do whatever she wants with her body.
